Sundays at Wintonbury
9 or 11a service at
54 Maple Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002
We’d love to have you join us!
What to Expect
We think you will feel welcomed and at peace here at Wintonbury. You’ll see people catching up with their friends and meeting new visitors. We are a group of imperfect people who love Jesus and love each other.
What time should I arrive?
You may enjoy arriving just a little early to get your bearings, meet some friendly people, and grab your seat.
What do people wear?
You’ll see a range of attire—from jeans and t-shirts to suits and ties. Come as you are.
What is the service like?
Our service invites you to celebrate! There is prayer, music, and a hope-filled message. All messages here at Wintonbury ultimately remind us that, through the grace of God, imperfect people can have a relationship with Jesus. Videos of our services are available here >>
Will I be put on the spot?
No. Don’t worry. We’re looking forward to meeting you, but we’re not going to point you out, embarrass you, or make you talk in front of anyone.
Where do my kids go?
Your kids will be part of our NextGen Ministry. When you enter the building, just walk straight ahead to meet one of our friendly volunteers and leaders to help answer your questions and take care of your children. Kids > Teens >
Where should I park?
Parking is very simple here! We have two entrances from Maple Avenue. Just enter into the driveway and park in the big parking lot in the back of the building.
Is there coffee?
YES!! As you enter the building, you can travel upstairs and enjoy our cafe.
Is someone going to try and sign me up for something?
No, we won’t pressure you into anything. But we do want to connect with you in a meaningful way! If you’re comfortable, we would love to receive your contact info so we can stay in touch, but we’ll leave that completely up to you.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14