At Wintonbury, we are passionate about reaching all people with the love and hope of Jesus Christ. In our years of ministry we have found that those people living with disabilities and their families are largely unreached with the gospel and struggle to find churches that are willing and able to meet their unique needs. We hope this information is helpful as you navigate if Wintonbury Church is the right place for you to call home. We are here if you have any questions! Please contact Dave Blough or Brittany Mason to help answer any specific questions you may have.
Building Accommodations:
Accessible parking near the main entrance
Automatic doors at the entrance as well as greeters on Sunday mornings to help assist you
Elevators are in the main lobby to the left and will lead you directly into the worship center
The Worship Center has breakouts in the chairs that are marked for those that use mobility devices. There are also designated chairs next to those spaces reserved for a guest or family member accompanying you.
In the event of a fire or power outage there is a wheelchair ramp outside the double doors of the upstairs lobby leading to the main street (coming Spring 2025)
Accessible restroom with automatic door is located on the first floor across from the elevator
Other Accommodations
Large print bibles and hearing assistive devices are available upon request, just ask an usher.
Friendship Class is offered during the 11am service. This is a Sunday school class for teens and adults impacted by intellectual disability.
Our Sunday school program for children ages 0-12 is blended to include children of all abilities. Our NextGen Pastor Brian Sullivan would love to talk to you about your family's specific needs and how we can best accommodate them. Sometimes that looks like extra training for the Sunday School teachers and volunteers or in some cases a 1:1 buddy. We also have kid sized noise cancelling headphones for any child that would benefit from them. We are constantly adapting our programs to best fit our kiddos!
Leadership and serving teams have been trained to better understand how to meet the needs of all people that walk through our door, including those living with disabilities. Anytime you have a question or concern on a Sunday morning, there are plenty of people that can step in to help. If we know you are coming ahead of time we can be sure to accommodate any other special requests you may have to the best of our ability.