NextGen Youth
Runs September - June
Middle School
(Grades 6-8)
Friday nights
6:30 to 8:30pm
@ Wintonbury
Runs September - June
High School
(Grades 9-12)
Sunday nights
@ Wintonbury
Combined summer activities for EMERGE & UNITE are planned during July & August.
Separate schedule is posted in June.
Open to all 6th-12th grade students, our youth group aims to create genuine community where individuals love, care for, and encourage one another in Christ, while sharing His love with the world. We usually have at least one fun event each month to build relationships and share the Gospel. We also have numerous service opportunities, retreats, mission trips, & leadership experiences.
NextGen Pastor: Brian Sullivan
From September to June, students in 6th-12th grade meet on Friday and Sunday nights at Wintonbury. Every week, students have time to hang out and connect with one another in community. Our weekly focus will vary between the three formats listed below. Contact Brian to be added to our email list.
Teaching Series/Bible Study Nights
Sundays, 5:30-8pm for UNITE - Fridays, 6:30 to 8:30pm for EMERGE
Students and leaders will dig into God's word together. The night will include the study of one or more Bible passages or Life Topic discussions of Scripture, group discussion that includes how to apply Biblical truths to life, and prayer.
FUN Activity Nights
Sundays for UNITE - Fridays for EMERGE (these events are typically longer than our regular youth group nights)
Usually happens once a month. Could be (just about) anything as long as it's fun. Some things we have planned this year include NERF Night, a movie night, Competition Nights, Video Scavenger Hunt, Dinners, KOINONIA DAY, and our annual Christmas parties.
EMERGE Discipleship Class - Sundays during the 9:00am service; kids are dismissed right after worship music.
Serving Opportunities
Our youth enjoy serving in a variety of areas such as in our NextGen Kids classes, VBS, Connection Café, audio/visual team, and The Hartford Project. Contact Brian to see how you can be involved.
Middle School & High School Retreats
Each year, typically in the winter or spring, we encourage our students to participate in a weekend retreat. Usually our plan is to go to the WHITEOUT Retreat at Camp Spofford, NH the last weekend in February. This retreat will be open to all EMERGE middle school students and UNITE high school students. It will begin on Friday afternoon as we meet at Wintonbury to drive to the camp together and end on Sunday afternoon as we drive back from camp together. Camp Spofford is only about an hour and a half to 2 hours away up Rte. 91 North. We hope many students will be involved this year. For more information contact Brian.
Parents: Please complete the following form for any students who want to participate in Youth Group.
A Note About Youth Group Volunteers
All Wintonbury Youth volunteers are carefully screened through an application and interview process; they also must agree to and pass a criminal background check before working with our youth.