Serve the World
Rick and Myla Berry | THAILAND
RICK and MYLA BERRY lead the Thailand Initiative; encouraging missionaries, recruiting workers, and getting projects fully supported so that a gospel movement sweep across Thailand.
Francisco and Yeimi Castillo | THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Meet the Castillos - longtime friends of Wintonbury and missionaries to the Dominican Republic.
Leo and Elizabeth Escalante | THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Leo and Elizabeth, serving with a local church in the Dominican Republic, work to bring the hope and restoration of Jesus Christ to individuals and families in their community.
Corey and Katie Garrett | SENEGAL
Corey and Katie serve the Wolof people of Senegal, helping them understand how much God loves them and how that love is shown supremely in the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Dan and Tina Gibbs | NIGERIA
Dan and Tina serve the people of Nigeria, ministering to their physical and practical needs by running an HIV/AIDS clinic which opens the door for meaningful conversations about Jesus Christ.
Fernando & Altagracia Gonzales | THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Dr. Fernando & Altagracia live and serve in the Dominican Republic. A medical missionary since 2006, Dr. Fernando shares the gospel as he provides medical services to the poor.
Bill and Kathy Martin | SENEGAL
The Martins are reaching people for Christ in Senegal.
Bob and Patty Mendelsohn | AUSTRALIA
Bob and Patty serve with Jews for Jesus Australia, sharing the message of Messiah Y’shua.
Friends and partners with Wintonbury for many years, Vanessa works with Students International to serve the people of the DR through dental medicine and more.
Collin and Kim | FRANCE
Sharing the gospel in France across cultural and religious borders...
Dave Sargent | MOLDOVA
Dave, a previous member of Wintonbury Church, invests in the people of Moldova through relational evangelism and discipleship.
Steve and Carol Smith | COTE D'IVOIRE (THE IVORY COAST)
Steve, a former Associate Pastor at Wintonbury Church, and his wife Carol, have been serving God in the Ivory Coast for over 30 years.
Missionaries in Undisclosed Locations | ENDS OF THE EARTH
Wintonbury supports several missionaries serving in potentially dangerous locations throughout the world. Find out more about how you can pray.
David and Bee Paul | INDONESIA
Our vision is to share the love of God with our refugee friends by helping meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We hope to see a network of people and organizations raised up to work together to make this a sustainable work over the long run.