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Learn more about our four Wintonbury traditions during Thanksgiving season below!
Prayer / Praise Service and Pie
Wednesday November 27, 7pm
Come & share where we have seen God's goodness and generosity.
“Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.” - 1 Chronicles 29:13
Thanksgiving Offering
Collecting money for Converge Hurricane Relief. Give online or make checks out to Wintonbury with “Thanksgiving Offering” in the memo line.
CANCELED: Annual Thanksgiving Day Touch-Football Game
Due to weather conditions, there will be no game this year.
Youth Event: Thanksgiving FEAST & Catacombs Worship
Sunday, November 24 | 5-8pm
Time to celebrate and thank the Lord together. Dinner together, some games & a catacombs worship/praise service by candlelight.