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Fertile Ground

Do you know that 1 in 6 couples of childbearing age will experience infertility? This heartache is something that only people who have been there can truly understand. Walking with other women going through the same challenge brings support, encouragement and deep friendship.

Why is it called Fertile Ground? We don’t have control over the circumstances of life but we do have a choice about what to do with our hearts. We want healthy and fertile hearts that will produce good fruit. Author Jennifer Saake says it well: “Trials, pain, heartache and grief, when fully given to God, become fertile ground for the Holy Spirit to bloom His fruit!”

If you are currently waiting and longing for a baby, please join us in a confidential space on Friday evening, March 8. We will share stories or you can just listen. From there you can decide if this is right for you at this time and you are welcome to join a short-term bible study where we will regularly meet to comfort your heart, refresh your soul and strengthen your faith while reclaiming this season of wait.

To express interest or for more information, contact Diane R.

March 1

Men's Game Night

March 10

GO Week