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2024 DR Youth Trip

  • Stuidents International FEDERICO BASILIS Jarabacoa, La Vega, 41000 Dominican Republic (map)


What a blessing it is to worship and serve at a church that has a passion for the kingdom of God and not just our specific church. Wintonbury is a place where we call people to use their gifts and talents as ministers and missionaries for the gospel and we have seen that happen both domestically and internationally.

Five summers ago, we took a student mission trip to the Dominican Republic (DR) with Kids Alive International and saw God use us in great ways. Two summers ago, we took another team to the DR with Students International (SI) & God moved powerfully again & confirmed some future plans in some of our team members.

This coming summer, we are taking another team to the DR to serve once again with Students International.Our team is comprised of 8 students and 4 adults. We will be serving again in the town of Jarabacoa from July 28 to August 4. The wonderful thing about serving with SI is that each team member will be able to serve in a ministry area in the DR that he/she feels called to and gifted in. Some of those areas are Education, Social Work, Media, and Sports. We will be serving alongside students from other churches as well as the SI missionaries. In addition to doing ministry, our students will have a chance to grow in their discipleship as well as grow in their community.

The 8 students going are Thomas Allen, Sarah Brey, Olivia Bywater, Audrey Hires, Will Franks, Meredith Seifel, Gracelyn Lacoss, & Brooke Allen. Our 4 leaders going are Matt Allen, Vorginia Brown, Mimi Hopkins, and Brian Sullivan.


  1. Our first need is your prayer support. Please pray that we will be prepared spiritually, mentally, emotionally, & physically. Pray that we will grow close as a team. Pray for spiritual protection. Of course, pray that we are able to raise the money needed to go.

  2. Our second need is financial support. Please seek the Lord on this. We have chosen to write one team support letter to Wintonbury so that many of you will not receive various letters from our team members and feel overwhelmed. Financial support can be given to the whole team by writing a check made out to Wintonbury Church and sending it to the church (Please put DR Youth Missions in the MEMO line). You can also go to the Wintonbury Church website and give online by going to our DR Youth Trip event. But, you also can feel free to support a specific team member if you’d like. If you’d like to support a specific team member, please contact Brian Sullivan at the church to discuss how that can happen. We need to raise about $1800 to $2000 per person so any help is much appreciated.

We are so thankful for your generosity, prayer, and support. Please feel free to contact Brian Sullivan with any questions you may have regarding this mission trip. We are so blessed from God to be able to serve this summer and very thankful to all of you for any way you are led to support us.

July 27

Campus Serve Day

August 2

Game Night