We invite you to come and meet Jesus:
the Healer, Savior, and Friend.
New Here?
We are so glad you are here today looking for ways to experience God, discover community and impact the world.
We would love for you to take your next step of learning more by clicking below.

What To Expect
A warm and relaxed environment with people from all walks of life is what you will notice when you first visit. We think you will feel welcomed and refreshed by the music, message, and people. Learn more about what Sundays are like here >>

Newborn–8th Grade
9th–12th Grade

The heartbeat of Wintonbury Church.
People in Life Groups meet regularly to study God’s Word and pray for, support, and encourage one another to follow Jesus in every area of our lives.
We encourage you to join as we learn and grow together. Wednesday Night Live features a series of different classes.